Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Has the First Amendment Become an Exercise in Futility?

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This morning I found myself nodding in agreement as I read John Whitehead's column in the Lynchburg News & Advance headlined, "Free speech: an exercise in futility?"

Today it seems that ordinary citizens from both sides of the political spectrum find themselves with something in common -- disconnection from elected and government-appointed officials. Whether it's "Occupy" or "Tea Party" participants, political disenfranchsement seems to be common ground. As for me, a conservative Democrat (believe it or not), I also feel left out of the process. It seems that "big money" controls the steering wheel. I've noticed that man fellow citizens from a variety of political perspectives sadly agree with the notion that, "Our opinions don't matter ... other than during an occasional vote in a media-hyped election process. Elected leaders and candidates seem "out of touch" with many voters, or way too focused on stereotypical "hot buttons" which they ignor soon after elections. So what to do?

I don't know. I hope you do. If so, let me know. I have run an advertising/PR firm for the last 28 years. If your organization offers solutions that make common sense and serve the common good, I would like to help. Meanwhile, I will look over your web site with hope in my heart.

Rutherford Institute Demands that Census Bureau Cease Requiring Americans to Respond to Lengthy, Highly Invasive American Community Surveys

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Who gave the Census people authority to take a GPS reading of every front door of every household in America? I refused to let them on my property but later cought one of the census workers by my front door. How many people know this was being done?

I felt the need to reply about the mail yesterday about the Commerce dept asking people if they had refrigerators.

do you know why that's in the survey?

Most targeted individuals will tell you the perps are using the refrigerator coilsan antenna linked up to their satellite surveillance and targeting system. That's why they want to know whether people have a refrigerator or not.

You're right -- it has nothing to do with the census.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Victory: In 9-0 Ruling in US v. Jones, U.S. Supreme Court Declares Warrantless GPS Use by Police Unconstitutional

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Thank God you won!!!!!!

This is scarry,scarry - even George Orwell never imagined all this stuff!

U.S. v. Jones: The Battle for the Fourth Amendment Continues

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John, while I agree with just about everything you say, I've been working on both face and iris recognition for a long time, and there is nothing on the market that can scan 50 people a minute and get the results. I know that one company has made this claim over and over, but the technology just isn't there. That's not to say it won't be soon, but for now, we're safe.

Some of it can be a good thing in certain circumstances like tracking a
hiker for their own safety in case of getting lost or caught in an
avalanche. Others is just going to far. Big Brother is watching every

Monday, January 23, 2012

Virginia Supreme Court Refuses to Grant Petition for Rehearing in Case Involving Honor Student Expelled for Shooting Plastic ‘Spitwads’

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The public schools in America use no common sense at all! The action they took in this case is absolutely absurd, and points out another reason the public schools are failing. To think that some of the things kids use to do in school 50-60 years ago are now classified as "criminal" is ridiculous. No wonder more and more parents are choosing to send their children to private schools. I hope Andrew's parents will be able to enroll him in a private school -- or will either decide to homeschool him. His education should not be effective by the decision of the school board!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bill of Rights Day: Are Our Freedoms in Jeopardy?

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Mr. Whitehead,

I didn't come across your (Dec. 16th 2011...I think) op-ed piece in The Courier Tribune until a few weeks ago. Since I feel so alone in the fight for our freedoms, I decided to write to you and tell you there is someone out here that is like-minded in case you too feel alone!!! I know you are most likely a very busy man, so I will not take up too much of your time. However, I would like to mention that the scales fell from my eyes in 2007 when I found out that NC was being used as a guinea pig to test the issue of driver's licenses that contained a RFID chip and computerized facial recognition imaging. Since that time, I have researched the "rabbit hole" and found things that are most frightening to anyone who loves freedom. There is soooo many other things that I could mention, but to cut through the chase, I have found only ONE man who supports the type of government I want. His name is Ron Paul, and I hope despite the negative mainstream news spewing garbage that you will look deeply into his voting history and political platform and get on board in the fight against the tyranny that seems to be coming in like a flood!

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

America’s Longest Ongoing War: The ‘Race’ War on Drugs

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I'm libertarian enough to favor legalizing marijuana. But the
"dispensaries" are a farce‹ways for doctors to advertise and get fees for
marijuana cards for "anxiety" and other light reasons, a blight to their
locations, mostly a phony way to get the drug to those who want it. It was
right of the federal government to enforce the law already on the books to
clamp down on these "businesses." The dispensaries are not the solution and
make a mockery of good health care. We who voted for the measure that
allowed them did not intend the result.


I just finished your article and I also have another thought about drugs and what I believe to be their intended distribution. Have you considered how in the last twenty years, which goes along with the financial war being waged, the rampant increase in drugs that have sedated an entire population of young men who in more sober times would have been in a more revolutionary mindset towards all of the brazen political/banking corruption and the losses of liberty that cover present day America.

Mr. Rutherford,

Lo and behold there is a statement, a comment you quote for the Center on Juvenille and Criminal Justice..."California's Criminal system can be divided into two categories with respect to marijuana: one system for African-Americans, another for all other races". Why this statistic alone explains decades, centuries of a racial pecking ordering that even Winston Churchill describes in his biography with the African Negro and his descendants on the bottom of of it in his own
continent!..." The same man who would save Western civilization four decades later, writes Robert D. Kaplan in "Warrior Politics", writes about "brave and honest.....negroes as black as coal" who displayed the virtues of barbarism." He describes the Arabs as the "stronger race" that "imposed its customs and language (Islam?) on the negroes...the Egyptians were strong, patient, healthy...the negro was in all these repects his inferior"...and on he goes in infinite detail about this
dispensation of character as he saw it in all the races in order below the white male, of course. And if you saw Lena Horne's last interview you would have heard her rail at suggestions from Hollywood socialites that she try to pass as an Hispanic in order to have more success in her career and be more appealing to white audiences. And if you saw one of the ESPN specials you would have heard former Kansas Monarch's manager Buck Oneil testify that baseball owners in the National League sent a light skinned 'negro' to Cuba to learn to speak spanish so he could pass and be slipped into the major leagues in the United States in the late thirties before Jackie Robinson was even a high-school graduate!

So you see how one statistic like a good portrait is worth a thousand years of historical truth and in this case verification of the core and fiber of intent and purpose of american culture still deeply ingrained in the collective unconscious of our majority population!


kudos to the recent article on the failed drug war.

please, bring up this subject that i have never seen in the debate:

everyone says to legalize marijuana and TAX it. why should we PAY for freedom? why compromise? this mentality is far against the concept of Life. Liberty and Property and reverts straight back to over-taxation and promotes tyranny. make the tyrant happy by paying him off?

NO taxing freedom!!!!!!!!

Once again, a very good argument. Where are the teapublicans ? I thought they were all about state’s rights, government intrusion, freedom, economy, jobs and small business.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tanks on Main Street: The Militarization of Local Police

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Arlington Texas PD has a drone now.
Absolutely NO experience with any kind of Aviation in the entire bunch.

Mr. Whitehead,

When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves from tyranny in government."--Thomas Jefferson

Your article was timely and excellent. I too have recently become aware of police militarization even here in Tn. Not only that, but police all over the nation seem to be very quick to slam people down face first for the least provocation, handcuff for embarrassment, stop cars in the most conspicuous, dangerous places with multiple vehicle reinforcements for even a simple traffic violation, traffic traps for small town "open collar politicians" to enhance their revenues and power base.

We are seeing the strong arm of big government instilling fear in it's citizens...and there seems to be no shortage of strong arm bullies willing to help accomplish this endeavor.

Please help save America as we have known it in the past. We must rein in big government. Don't let up and please keep exposing these travesties.

To compare our local police to hitlers army (jackboots, occupying forces) is extremely insulting. I hope you never care about someone who was outgunned by some crackpot strung out on drugs that is killed in the line of duty because his .38 Police Revolver was all you felt he should carry. Body Armor, forget it. We don’t need to “dress them like soldiers”

I am ashamed that I subscribe to a Union Newspaper that carries john whitehead’s column!

2011: A Civil Liberties Year in Review

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Thanks for the great article on 2011 Civil Liberties Review.

Would have been better if you had included a paragraph on the loss of food freedom. Never thought I'd see the day when wholesome raw milk was poured in the gutter.
And the FDA calls walnuts a drug, while allowing Lay's Potato Chips to claim them as a "heart-healthy snack."

Also, what about medical freedom? As a vaccine truther, I know that parents are being harassed by pediatricians for exercising their freedom not to vaccinate. It's getting worse.

Hi John,

It’s all true, the police state and loss of freedom. What you have written is undeniably true. It is constant surveillance, I know, I’ve experienced it first hand. However, what you didn’t mention was how long this has been active. The constant surveillance state has been active for a long time. People under surveillance, which could be most of us, are under surveillance for extended periods of time, it’s unrelenting. It’s not days or months, it years and even decades. I’m very sincere, it is extended periods of time.


I don't know who will be reading this email but after reading the HIGHLY disturbing article '2011: A Civil Liberties Year in Review' by John W. Whitehead (Dec. 27, 2011) I must ask the following question. Does Mr. Whitehead believe there is ANYTHING we as a nation or as individual citizens can DO to turn back the erosion of our freedoms (other than the obvious 'vote them out')? Are we doomed to simply accept these invasions of our civil liberties and the affronts to our Constitution? Is there ANY HOPE for the United States of America?

I realize that everything Mr. Whitehead wrote is TRUE (sadly). But he offers NO hope, NO plan(s) of action so to speak. He leaves the reader with an inevitable sense of doom that we will never again be a nation of personal freedom and liberty, that for which our founders and thousands upon thousands of men and women over generations have bled and died that we might retain.

Can't he offer us any possible solutions? It would be greatly appreciated!