Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Making Sense of School Shootings

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Great study, but you really need to update your info to reflect today's media. Kids no longer have tapes or vcr's, they have smart phones and laptops. Tv is far less influential than the Internet and the numerous things they see on you tube and Facebook. An updated study would get more attention than outdated information.

In 1967 Madelain Murry O'Hair was successful in getting prayer outlawed in public schools. Since that time there has been an aggressive assault on anything "God" in school...and other public places. What we have is the result of a Godless agenda coming to full bloom. It is not rocket science. It is pretty much a no-brainer. These events in our schools are nothing more than a microcosm of a society that is obama's dream for America.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Horror! The Horror! Must-See War Films

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Mr. Whitehead:

Many years ago, when I was a graduate student in clinical psychology at Columbia University, I had the privilege of taking a course in medical ethics given by Robert Veatch. We met at Union Theological Seminary, and one evening he screened Dalton Trumbo's Johnny Got His Gun. The movie had a palpable effect on the entire class, which I suspect persisted long afterward. I am dismayed to see this movie missing from your list, as it conveys The Horror! The Horror! far more viscerally than any you cite (many of which really were made only to perpetuate Hollywood's war-as-entertainment ethos), and does so without resorting to the pyrotechnics and tissue-splattering effects that characterize much of your selection.

In closing, I salute you for including Chris Hedges' words in your essay. If only he were more widely appreciated ...

Well stated indeed.

Mr. Whitehead

I am big fan of yours. You left out one of the greatest war movies. The little-known "Go Tell The Spartans".
It starred Burt Lancaster and was about the early days in Vietnam and the utter hopelessness of that war, even in 1963. Charles Porter, MSgt, Retired, USAF

I think you should see and include the moviie We Were Soldiers about the horror of war---the movie is remarkable and based on the memoir of Lt. Col. Hal Moore in Viet Nam---it is not based on fiction or trying to create a mythical experience. And one should never leave All Quiet on the Western Front from a list of all time war movies. I have seen 90% of the movies you named.

Monday, February 20, 2012

13-Year-Old Middle School Student Suspended for ‘Pranking’ Fellow Student with Oregano, Charged with Distributing Counterfeit Drug

Click Here to Read the Press Release

Bullying by the Union county school board is not nice nor does it follow the basic philosophy of Christianity. To what end do they take this action? Better if they learned that KINDNESS COUNTS,, Kindness always counts!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dawn of the Drones: The Realization of the Total Surveillance State

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The purpose of the drones is to eventually arm them for use against American citizens, now that abu Hussein has the "legal" authority to assassinate any American, anywhere, anytime, at his leisure.

I would expect eventually the drones to be used to fire missiles at religious and political gatherings, or at any individual Hussein desires to murder.

Once he openly declares his overthrow of the US government, the missiles will be quite useful in terrorizing citizens into scared sheep. as with any fascist/marxist based dictator, one of his first moves upon the seizure of power will be the wholesale execution of untold Americans until all resistance to his Regime is silenced.


He advocated worker self-management and was opposed to the private ownership of the means of production. As he put it in 1848: "Under the law of association, transmission of wealth does not apply to the instruments of labour, so cannot become a cause of inequality... We are socialists... under universal association, ownership of the land and of the instruments of labour is social ownership... We want the mines, canals, railways handed over to democratically organised workers' associations... We want these associations to be models for agriculture, industry and trade, the pioneering core of that vast federation of companies and societies, joined together in the common bond of the democratic and social Republic."

wonderful article on drones you wrote. we need more people like you to educate people on these issues. too many think, "if your not doing anything wrong what's the problem?" how do you get them to understand the big picture and see it for what it is? to realize this has been going on for years.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Rutherford Institute Challenges Constitutionality of Proposed Bill to Require Welfare Recipients in Virginia to Submit to Drug Testing

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Drug testing is required by many employers so what is the big deal.. I for one think its a great idea!

I have to disagree strongly with you on this one. If people who go to jobs, earn wages, and pay taxes to supports
entitlements which are doled out gratis must undergo drug testing, then why should the people who receive
the benefits not do the same. At some point, some one has got to give the middle class a break. You are all
breaking our backs. When the middle class no longer exists, you smart lawyers know what that will mean.

Sorry your wrong on this one. if TAX payers money is being used congress has the power to put conditions on it. there is no privacy issue.

I could not disagree more with The Rutherford Institutes decision to challenge a bill that would require applicants, of any form of public assistance, to submit to drug screening as a prerequisite to receiving any assistance. Urinating into a cup is an erosion of our 4th amendment rights? This is a physically invasive screening method?

Most, if not all, applicants and employees of private companies and government agencies must submit to mandatory drug screening as a prerequisite for employment.
Pray tell, how do those individuals, people wanting something for nothing, excuse me, people in need of subsistence, differ from all the working people, who if they wish to remain employed, need to submit to the same screening methods.

Your exempting one group of people from a screening process that the very people who pay taxes, and indirectly pay the very people you want to exempt, must submit to in order to gain and retain employment is nothing short of hypocritical. What is good for the goose should be good for the gander.

Virginia School District Considers Cross-Dressing Ban for Students

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Dear Dr. Whitehead-- I was astounded by the position you took on this free speech issue in Virginia, especially your comment that "these days gender is a subjective thing." But my astonishment stems from the fact that I believe you got it RIGHT -- ( I am not suggesting you never do get it right :-)

I have personally struggled with the issue my entire life. I am 60 years old. There is so much we do not understand about gender or transgender matters that, even as a conservative and a committed Christ follower, it has been my perception that jurisprudence has for years been tilted against those who have a different understanding of gender or have a medical condition that puts them outside of the commonly accepted cultural norm. Thank you for your clear-headed thinking and courage.

When Christians abandon God's laws, just about anything can happen. The once Christian-oriented Rutherford Institute is now fighting for the rights of cross-dressers in public schools in Virginia! Once Christians abandon God's revealed laws and turn towards natural law theories or antinomian pietism, they are absorbed into the anti-Christ culture and fight for cross-dressing in America's public high schools! It's either objective biblical law or bust. Those who reject the Old Testament law will continue to lead the apostasy in the West.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Rutherford Institute Defends Wisconsin Nurse Denied Religious Accommodation, Terminated for Objecting to Flu, TDAP Vaccines

Click Here to Read the Press Release

i disagree on this one. this is a PUBLIC health issue and not a freedom of religion issue. she is in contact with many people therefore the government has an obligation to protect the people. she must choose between her religion and her job.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Rutherford Institute Asks Federal Court to Defend the First Amendment Right of Retailers Not To Be Forced to Speak for Government

Click Here to Read the Press Release

AND, I might add that this is a tactic employed by minor officials, i.e. Town Halls, all over America - wherein the Town decrees something and then local businesses must post a sign on behalf of whatever it may be - always using a back door to grab more authority - just like the latest Internet dust up - which they dropped like a hot potato once the Internet went crazy about it and they were flooded with e-mails and the actual threat of protests and riots!

This of course is on a much less grand scale, but the Govt. is always trying to make business owners or any kind of front they can hide behind to be their "bag man". We now have good old Chicago 20's style gangster politics -IT IS VERY, VERY, SCARRY! Thank goodness you recognize it for what it is and jump on it before it gets to draw its first breath!