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The NYPD is the poster child for everything that's wrong with a bloated empire. It seems that every democracy has eventually metastasized into some form of imperial regime bent on conquest of more and more peoples, their land, and their resources in order to satiate the greed for power and wealth of the ruling elite. The ordinary citizen and the newly conquered people get tired of endless wars and taxes and the rulers crack down on all of the protesters with an iron fist. The excuse is that in order to save the democracy,they have to suspend it until things return to "normal". But the power-that-be never liked democracy anyway, so they concoct one crisis after another so that basic rights are in perpetual suspension. And like all things devised by man, both good and bad, this too will come to an end. But it won't be pretty. We could be a force for such goodness in the world by exporting only our medical and agricultural knowledge. But there is more profit in war: the weapons of destruction, reconstruction, and occupation. We have forgone a golden opportunity to lead the world to true 'wealth". A wealth founded upon health and peace. I fear we are doomed.
The last time that I was in New York City was 1982. Even then the atmosphere was oppressive. I have not been back since.
As a side observation, the United States spent many decades defeating the Soviet Union. Now we are becoming it. Witness the security procedures at any airport.
Kudos on an evenhanded, clear, thoughtful statement of fact at LRC.
I live here (Brooklyn) and truth be told the future is not looking good. Acceptance and groupthink is the norm.
Look forward to reading you again.