Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Total Control Society Is Here: Iris Scanners

Click Here to Read John Whitehead's Commentary

Mr. Whitehead,

I read your article and found it very interesting. In response, all I can say is this: I am a Christian. I believe in the doctrine known as "the rapture." I have been praying for it to occur for a long, long time. Now I intend to redouble my prayers.

God bless you and yours, sir.

Henry C.

Scary stuff! They think they’re going to eradicate fraud? Yeah-Right! Didn’t they ever watch the move DEMOLITION MAN? Do they really think the Mexican drug cartels would hesitate for one moment to follow Wesley Snipes example in that move?

Technology isn't the problem its man can not handle the technology. In the same way that we need a well regulated banking system, a well regulated legal system, a well regulated rail system, a well regulated economic system, a well regulated population, we also need technology to be well regulated. It seems mankind can not handle regulation either and has cast regulation to the discard.

We have technology expanding exponentially, human morality diminishing exponentially, coupled to absolute power corrupting absolutely and idiots running around saying that in a hundred years we are all going to be cooked, mankind is screwed.



we shall see....

body scanners is the benchmark and cause celebre. much could happen on that front. so i'm not particularly nervous about the scanners. other things are/will be happening before all that (or concurrent), like the crash of the economy, insurrection, tax revolts, who knows. in other words, many changes on many fronts. thanks for writing!

all the best,


Hi John,

Some food for thought - I've long considered that easy identification of people is a good thing; the problem is that it's restricted to government.

For example, why is it only police, or their cronies, can determine whom a license plate belongs to?

If someone wants to date my daughter or sell me a car, why CAN'T I do a background check?

Freely (as in easily) available information about the people and entities we deal with could and should be a good thing, heck a great thing. My concern is that only "they" can access such information, thus forcing us into "needing" them for "security".

If people knew that anyone, not just police officers, could identify them by license plate, would driving behavior stay the same, get worse - or get better?

Why shouldn't shops be able to identify shop-lifters?

(and yes, at the tender age of 12 I got cautioned for shoplifting... )

I believe databases in themselves are not dangerous, indeed I believe they would be massively helpful in any libertarian society. The danger is that only our Lords and Masters can access them, leaving the rest of us stumbling around blindly.

What do you think?


Dear Mr. Whitehead:

Maybe the economic collapse and dismantling of the federal monster is a good thing - I pray for that every day. As a Christian I don't believe God will allow us to establish another Tower of Babel in the world.

God bless your efforts.

Jim H.

Dear Mr. Whitehead,

Thank you for your recent article, “Total Control..” I will be quoting your last few paragraphs referencing Orwell, along with Cronkite’s quote, as I wind up my own informational piece to conservative members in our mountain County here in Colorado. I intend to take a hiatus, but will leave people some educational material before I go, mostly on our Central Banking system.

I think this young man with his business degree from Harvard nails the big-picture view of our current state of affairs:

I will be traveling through the Denver airport in a week or so. The now routine requirements that we remove shoes, travel with tiny bags filled with tiny bottles lest they be confiscated, etc is almost more than I can bear. I can assure you that I will refuse both Chertoff’s new naked scanner, and their “enhanced” pat down which involves frank touching/inspection of our private parts through our clothing. This goes well beyond a breach in the 4th amendment----illegal search.

Thank you,

Elena C.

John, what about it?

"it’s Congress that bears the brunt of the blame.." The citizens put them there, 95 percent incumbents returned, anti-citizen Biden, 6 terms, war monger Pelosi, forever. It is a democracy. Too stupid to do otherwise? Then it is here to stay, intrinsic.

The advantage of a "democracy" to the power, is that it is such a good control system. People claim it is TV control. Would it work on you?

Ken A

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