Wednesday, December 1, 2010

John Lennon and the Cult of Celebrity: “They’re Gonna Crucify Me”

Click Here to Read John Whitehead's Commentary

i think if you research further - you may find that Mark Chapman was mind controlled - a CIA op. this entire operation - his flying to NYC from Hawaii - the whole deal was so orchestrated - how could one really believe that he was acting alone? and after shooting Lennon - he goes back to reading his book! no - this speaks of mind control, more than just Chapman being a delusional person. way of mind control. there is much more to this MKUltra and other CIA operations than most of us have any idea about....


thank you for this, Mr. Whitehead.

it has been suggested by many that Mark David Chapman had been mind-controlled,
by way of MKUltra or other CIA operation. those familiar with mind-control techniques point out how Chapman did not run after murdering Lennon - but continued to read his book until he was apprehended. this does speak of a mind-control operation. had he been in any "rational" mindset, he would have attempted to run from the scene of the crime.

your article suggests a more rational explanation of Chapman's behavior, in terms of his being "let down" by Lennon's removing himself from his public image - but i do believe that the mind-control possibility is the more likely scenario in this despicable tragedy. Lennon was always a threat to the government - and the CIA has so many ways to "out" anyone threatening to them - especially today. i'm sure you would agree with that. there are a few MKUltra mind controlled persons who, thru a twist of fate of deprogramming, have described their early training as assassins. i am not sure if i am remembering his name correctly - but i think of Dennis O'Finnighan (i am sure i have this spelling wrong), who has been on the public speaking circuit for several years now - relative to his early assassin training, and naming people he was mind-controlled to kill. he explains that there are very few trainees, from his age group, still alive.

most people are not aware of these mind-control operations, which reportedly continue to this day.

although i agree with the premise you present in terms of celebrity falsehoods perpetuated by the media - i intuitively believe that Lennon's was a political assassination.

-valerie g.

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