Monday, February 21, 2011

Zero Tolerance Policies: Are the Schools Becoming Police States?

Click Here to Read John Whitehead's Commentary

"Incredibly, local police also went to Michael’s home after midnight in order to question the fourth grader about the so-called “shooting” incident."

Mr. Whitehead:

Thirty or forty years ago, the police would have laughed the school authorities out of their precinct station. Unfortunately with their militarization of mind and practice after decades of the "war on drugs," the police are part of the problem. So this is NOT so "incredible." At least my children are out of the system and my grandchildren are home schooled.

I've always wondered what would happen if the parent of one of these victims showed up at the school and showed the "educators" what a real weapon was and what it could do. Well, not in this day and age of the sheeple.

John D.

Dear Mr. Whitehead,

I just wanted to thank you for the illuminating article on the insanely stupid "zero tolerance" policies in public school. We have twin 12 year olds and see the awful result of police state management of schools every day. Not enough people know the insanity of this so your article summarizing some of the most obvious cases is much appreciated. And, certainly, not enough is being done to undo this moronic program. I intend to send others to read your article, which I found on Lew Rockwell's website.

Thank you again,
A parent for liberty,
--Joe B

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