Thursday, May 26, 2011

Free Speech Violation: Park Ranger Orders Visitor to Leave National Military Park, Citing Objection to Ron Paul Decals on Car

Click Here to Read the Press Release

I’m so very grateful that we still have attorneys who have the clarity of mind to work and fight for individuals who express the freedom that still seems so obviously endowed to us all.
I just read an article about the circumstances involving a Mr. Faw and the Kings Mountain National Military Park. Without your assistance and concrete knowledge of our Constitution, Americans and rightfully, along with much of the world, would surely slip back into a state of suppression of individual rights.
Thank you again for working on behalf of freedom.


This is a terrible setback from the United States Socialistic Regime. We're to the point where we have to ask nicely to please give us our rights back. And the answer is, "No, we need them right now, for what we're doing. But if we don't need them in the future, we'll be sure to let you use them." It is a sad day to see that kind of thing happen. And alarming. And no matter how vocal, it does no good so far.
Further, there are so many things on so many fronts that are occurring (and yet to occur!) in the Obama administration that it is mind-numbing to the legislators to hear from their constituents.
The effect on them is: "Everything we do is always wrong all the time, I'm going to stop listening." To me, their behavior is similar to Mordecai's imperative to Esther: Who knows but that you have come to position for such a time as this. And their behavior is similar: And if they perish seeking these permanent (?) changes to our nation, it is worth it to them. The difference is that Esther's cause was noble, and the current changes debase our nation. There isn't one thing to confront.
There aren't even just a dozen major problems. There are hundreds of encroachments. They come at us so fast that if we were to focus hard on just the top three and beat on them for the next four years for change, that would still leave 97 new ones (brushfires against freedom) being lit while we concentrate on just the few. Net effect would be that we lose anyway. Personally, I'm at my wits end about all of this. The only thing that makes sense is that God has decreed we shall face judgement and that he is letting our nation go the way it has chosen to go.
Usually, he lets the wickedness of the wicked blossom fully. It's not because he doesn't care, it because he has decided to judge it, often times. So he lets them go. Since in our wisdom as a nation we do not seek God but deliberately choose to believe lies, he is able to give us up to all sorts of things and our foolish minds become darkened. If that is the case, nothing I can do will change that. Everything I do has the net effect of changing nothing. It's overwhelming. What is not overwhelming is my trust in God. What does not bother me is people like you continuing to do the fine job you are doing. When we do what God wants us to do, our lives are never wasted.
I have taken to telling my boys recently: "God never wastes a life. If you put yourself fully in the Lord's hands, you can be absolutely certain that no matter what happens, he will never have wasted your life." Of course, like William Carey the missionary and his printing press house burning and flooding, it is hard to understand at the time the reasons in his providence for the events that are at odds with the whole purpose he felt God sent him for. But he continued on because the call doesn't change just because circumstances don't go our way. I loved reading "Heroes of the Faith: William Carey" from the YWAM folk. It helped me separate results from calling. So I am never overwhelmed to where I do not continue to write to my representatives. Until God tells me not to do so, I write.
And from time to time at the dinner table, I pray. God is trustworthy. But I also know his eyes roam to and fro throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. He often responds when we stand in the gap. He has the discretion to do so or not. But often, no one stands in the gap when he is willing. May we all stand in the gap as and when he calls us to and let him bless the results in ways we may never see on earth. Do not give up. Carry on. God never wastes a life, nor a court case given into his hands. God is good. All the time. Bill

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