Monday, November 7, 2011

Cancer-Causing Airport Scanners? Enough Is Enough

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Kudos on another excellent article. ("Cancer-Causing Airport Scanners?
Enough Is Enough By John W. Whitehead 11/7/2011)

Involuntary X-Ray scanners that cause cancer, drones that kill indiscriminately, impersonally and without warning, snipers. These types of government methods for harming people covertly and without warning run afoul of Deuteronomy 27:24.

"Cursed be he that smiteth his neighbour secretly. And all the people shall say, Amen." -- Deuteronomy 27:24

Maybe they can just sing a little louder.


Thank you so much for this excellent article. I have had 2 melanomas removed. I have been reading about the increased risk of skin cancer from these backscatter machines and out of fear of another occurrence, I have refused to fly. I also refuse to allow myself to be sexually molested by government sanctioned perverts. I am enraged that my government is knowingly putting my health and that of my fellow Americans in jeopardy for filthy profit and power/control. I have written to both senators here in Arizona and have received a collective yawn in the form of generic letters telling me how this is all for my own good and necessary for my security. They don’t give a damn about my health or my 4th amendment rights. Government officials are willfully ignoring this and to me, this makes them nothing but accomplices in this crime.

Thank you for using your considerable influence and resources to highlight this issue. Please continue to be a voice for those of us who are being ignored. This issue is being covered up and most people who are herded through the scanners have no idea that they are risking their health just to get on an airplane. Keep fighting the good fight and thank you again for your article. I am forwarding it to everyone on my e-mail list


You mention "our representatives" in your column. Frankly, we don't HAVE any "representatives." We have rulers who try to sound like representatives during an election campaign, but upon taking office put off such nonsense in order to more properly rule the masses.

I cannot tell you how many conservative sites send me e-mail advising me to "tell Congress" or "have Congress" or even more amusing, "MAKE Congress" do this or that. Frankly, it isn't possible. I dare say there are a few actual representatives in Congress, but even the best of them start out that way and within a few months or years are "ruling" right along with the rest of them in DC. Of course, what is true for Congress is even MORE true for any presidential administration. These people come into office - and yes, it isn't ONE person, but a cabal who take the Executive Branch - with the idea of "ruling." None of that "represent" crap for them! Again, occasionally some individual does believe that it is his sworn duty to serve the People. Much though he was far from perfect, Ronald Reagan did have that mindset. Sadly, he could no more actually "serve" in the present governmental milieu than he could fly without a plane.

Just as a colored lens changes visual reality, so too, the "color" of DC (government control) changes everything that can and does take place there, petitions, letters, e-mails and phone calls notwithstanding.


All that has to happen is for the American flying public to go on a six-month passenger strike. The situation would be resolved very quickly. In large part, the American public is responsible to the abuses at the airports simply because they put up with it.

Dear Mr. Whitehead,

Thank you for writing the article ‘Cancer-Causing Airport Scanners? Enough Is Enough’. I hope you have a very large audience. This is info everyone needs to know.

You ask the question “What will it take for Americans to finally say enough is enough?” But how can Americans say enough is enough?

I have written to my Congressmen. I avoid airports. What else can an Americans do when the TSA has the power to intimidate, harass and arrest anyone with objections? Jesse Ventura has tried to take them to court, and failed. I have participated in local antiwar demonstrations that don’t get reported in the news. The Occupy Wall Street people are not getting any respect. What do you suggest.

Please write an article telling us all what can be done. A lot of people are saying ‘do something’. Do what!.

Mr. Whitehead,
Thank you for your piece on these dangerous devices. I agree with all you have written regarding how the American Public has lost many fundamental rights in the name of security against terrorism. As a retired airline captain I witnessed the theatrical charade of screening both pre and post 9-11. Now the process includes the potential for serious harm to the person because of dangerous X-ray dosage. You are correct that the TSA intends to use humiliation and intimidation to control individuals who don't wish to adhere to their chosen protocol. I was recently rudely shouted at by a TSA agent at a body scanner because my hands touched each other over my head. To be treated without respect is the norm. They may think we will not notice or care about these several indignities but there will come a day when we will collectively say "ENOUGH!"

You conspicuously forgot to mention the cocksucker who made bank off of this scanner bullshit.

ps. he looks like he just crawled out of the pits of hell and is a dual national.

Get off your ass and make an effort once in awhile.

Hi John

Yes backscatter X-ray such as AS&E and Rapiscan make to screen people, create an image from ionising X-ray however the dose levels per inspection are around the same as a dental X-ray, are we going to ban those ? what about CT scans ?

The typical dose rate from a double pose Backscatter X-ray unit is way less than what air crew and passengers are exposed to on one flight for 3 hours at over 30,000 feet, check that out ?

Other forms of people screening by L3 and Smiths Detection are MMW based so non-ionising ! Do some real research, MMW technology is no more dangerous than standing under a light bulb ! Sitting in front of a TV is exposing people to more of a dose ! Look at the radio spectrum and figure it out ?

Let’s deal with evidence. Show us all some credible and peer reviewed clinical evidence that confirms being examined by an airport security scanner has caused a confirmed case of cancer in anyone, we in the real world are still waiting for that – nothing how many years have we been waiting ? The high voltage power cable we all drive under next too or sit under in some public transport options are more of a potential health problem, look at that ?

Exposure to various forms of radiation is part of living on Earth – even when buried you can’t get away from it !

Do some work about aircrew and passenger exposure to ionising radiation when flying regular long haul flights at over 30,000 feet, a three hour flight is equal to being put through a baggage inspection machine – please do your research before pushing a barrow !

Getting out of bed each day can result in breaking an ankle – it’s all about mitigating risk and I don’t know about you, I’ve rather be subject to airport security “even when it’s in the US” than have the aircraft I and my loved ones are on blown out of the sky by mad people !

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