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Mr. Rutherford, After reading the free speech commentary you wrote,I had to unsubscribe from your opinions.This is not to argue the basic right of speech(within the boundaries of the public) and by that I mean people should not have the right to speech that will upset the general welfare of the public square.I'm not going to have a long speech on my belief in free speech,but I think that free speech should include responsible! That's all. We just agree to disagree.
Mr. Rutherford,
I was a supporter of the Occupy movement which had a clear message. It is important, as your video shows, for these demonstrations to have a clear message.
Another good example was the veterans bonus march on Washington and we both know what happened there.
I believe the Occupy movement was joined by divergent groups with different agendas and the original message was drowned out.
The problem with the Occupy movement seems to be loss of message and focus. There is the general problem of health and safety which comes about from long term ad hoc encampments.
How local governments will handle those problems is sill to be resolved.
In many cities, the police behaved badly. The police departments have become a culture unto themselves and call everyone else civilians---a clear sign police departments no long understand their role in society.
The tea party movement was very disciplined and well organized and ultimately taken over by the right wing of the Republican party.
The Occupy movement seems lack the above qualities and its message became lost while folks with all kinds of agendas tried to hijack the movement.
It was easily attacked by its opponents due to the folks who joined the movement with different agendas
For many years, Washington Square Park and the Park at 14 St. in NYC served as places for speeches, talk, argument and so forth.
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