Tuesday, December 6, 2011

General Comments

How on Earth can you use the word liberty in the same sentence with Lincoln? He violated our Constitution worse than any politician ever has and started us down the road to socialism and mercantilism. Lincoln ended our constitutional republic and replaced it with a nationalist empire. If you truly don't get it, then e-mail me and I will provide you with a list of books and reference materials that will explain it in detail.


Dear John Whitehead and everyone there at Rutherford,

Month after month, you are doing a great job there at the Rutherford Institute. Thank you for bringing these issues to the attention of people who might not otherwise notice. I especially appreciate articles such as these, "Ten Years After 9/11: Have We Become the Enemy of Freedom?", "The War on Drugs Has Become the War on the American People," even as I am sad when I reflect on the reality of the situation we find ourselves in, concerning the loss of traditional freedoms that Americans once shared.

The US Government, once sworn to upholding freedom and liberty, by degrees has become dedicated to the proposition that all men are enemies; enemies which require control, leashing, imprisonment, parasitic draining of life, and finally, liquidation and disposal. I love America: the beautiful mountains and shining seas show the handiwork of their creator. But so many in America are robbed and enslaved - or worse, enthusiastic robbers and slavers. Not figurative "slaves", but literal real slaves in real steal shackles, forced to work, or they suffer real, literal torture. And so few can even see it.

Thanks for shining some light in these dark areas of in the "land of the free."



And don't even TRY to sell that moon speck!


Flack jackets? I'm afraid you continue to be correct -- the country is dying.

Keep up the good work, while you can.


Dear Sir,

I stumbled onto your web site and after reading one of your "Speak Truth to Power" articles I had to read more. Great job. I find it incomprehensible that we don't see more of these types of coverage from the big media outlets...and that the public at large doesn't express outrage over the lack of quality coverage. I'm thankful there are some independent voices out there who are speaking out. Just hoping it will not all be too little too late.

Wanted to thank you for what you're doing.

Mr. Whitehead,

Re: "The transition to a police state will not come about with a dramatic coup d’etat, with battering rams and marauding militia."

Most coup d'états go totally unnoticed, just as ours did; on December 12, 2000 Supreme Court justices' William H. Rehnquist, Anthony M. Kennedy, Sandra Day O'Connor, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas were party to a coup d'état in America through their decision to deny the counting of Floridians' votes — in addition to violating Article 21 of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


I am a strong and very vocal opponent of water-boarding. I am angry that every Republican candidate for president has directly or indirectly supported water boarding with the exception of Ron Paul.

If you also oppose water boarding I hope you will say so on line and in one of your videos.

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