Monday, August 8, 2011

Television News: Are We Amusing Ourselves to Death?

Click Here to Read the Commentary

I totally enjoyed reading your two part editorial on the Media. We get it in a small town paper(The Pilot News). In my lifetime I've seen the media go from real reporting to the garbage they now spout as the news. In my own situation of being an Amateur Radio Operator, I've learned to look elsewhere for fact on shortwave, but even here you must have the salt shaker handy. It appears that the purpose of the whole thing is the dumbing down of the American Public so we will sit and be complacent little "subjects" with no mind of our own except what we are told by the talking heads of the networks. The edited stories of the news should start with "Once upon a time....".

I look forward to your further articles. They are read and discussed here in "flyover country".


Hi, Mr. Whitehead,

I am for freedom and agree with much of what you say. I agree with what you say about television "news" being little more than entertainment. But you also list Sean Hannity among some of these "entertainers" and I would like to ask you to reconsider. I also wonder why you have chosen to include him. Mr. Hannity speaks out for freedom, like you do. He delves into the issues and the lies of the mainstream media and shows how we are losing our freedoms. He informs us of what is really happening in America so that we can take a stand for what is right.

You include Mr. Hannity in your judgement of : Yet these talking heads are little more than Wizard of Oz-like front men for the powers-that-be, the mega corporations whose sphere of influence extends from the newsroom to the nexus of political power, Washington, DC.

Please do not attack and criticize people who are also fighting for our freedoms as you do, just because they may use a different medium then you do. Mr. Hannity is reaching people with the truth.

Again, I ask you to please reconsider attacking people who are fighting for truth and freedom in America.

Thank you,

Your article which appeared in a local Wisconsin paper as "TV news gives a biased view of the world," was read with interest and appreciation. However, I believe that the article would be more accurate and pertinent if the following were eliminated or revised.

"In our media-dominated age, news personalities such as Bill O'Reilly, Chris Matthews, Sean Hannity, and Rachel Maddow, among others, dispense the news with power and certainty like preachers used to dispense religion and boast vast viewerships that hang on their every word." I have never felt these personalities were. "...dispensing the news." Rather, it is opinion, commentary, ideology, etc. Often their presentations are bracketed by opposing points of view. There is abundant evidence that the "NEWS" is biased. There is no need to created "straw men" to prove your points.

"Clearly, there can be little hope for objective reporting in an environment ..." A M E N ! "


Dear Staff,

Your institution espouses dedication to addressing serious issues ignored by the main stream media. What a joke. Where were you guys when Obama’s association with Bill Ayers, a know domestic terrorist, and Jeremiah Wright, a black liberation theology proponent, were being overlooked? Where were you when government influence on financial institutions forced them to provide home mortgages to people who could not afford them, thus creating an economic downturn with global ramifications? More recently, where is your expose on HR4646, a bill currently being snuck through Washington which puts a 1% tax on personal bank deposits?

Your president, John Whitehead, tells us the main stream media does not provide credible news. He indicates we need to go on the internet for the truth. He refers to Arianna Huffington as a vanguard in integrating news with social media. That reveals your true political slant, which is obviously based on a very socialistic agenda. Credible? What a joke!

Respectfully yours,


Dear Mr. Whitehead:

Thank you for your column on the news media lacking investigative reporting and news. I was talking Wednesday to a group of senior citizens about Montana's historical lack of investigative reporting due to Anaconda Copper and its electrical arm Montana Power owning the papers till out-of-state corporation bought the papers to sell ads, and TV news no long subject to a fairness doctrine. A gentleman in the audience said, see Whitehead's columns in the current Belgrade News. I looked, and there was your excellent column -- on the page facing my own guest opinion piece on social security law in Montana in 1923. I appreciate the work you are doing through your column and institute. Thank you.


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